Filtering by Tag: CARS

Filtering by Author: Susannah Breslin

The New L.A. River

17 Likes, 0 Comments - Susannah Breslin (@susannahbreslin) on Instagram: "🕶"

One of the biggest changes in Los Angeles in the last 20 years is the traffic. The Los Angeles River may be mostly dry, but the streets and freeways are filled with a never-ending stream of vehicles. It takes an hour to get anywhere of any significance, and the old ways you used to sneak around the most clogged arteries have been discovered by everyone’s digital guidance systems. There is one benefit, though. Stuck in traffic, you can see the city and wonder at its sights. The glass buildings reflecting stories-high palm trees planted in an artful line before them. The skeletons of rooftop signs in Hollywood celebrating some bygone era of glamor and luster you totally missed. The monstrous old-school mansions hunkered down behind 15-foot hedges so the luxurious lives of their inhabitants stay forever private. It’s beautiful, isn’t it? The city through a car window.

[Image via my Instagram feed]

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The Confederate of Florida

"Does this ass make my truck look big? #florida #obama #confederate"

There's a lot of this in the south end of Florida: Confederate flags and anti-Obama bumper stickers, red trucks and patriotism, hunting and swamp life living. After a while, it becomes part of the scene. The Confederate soldier descendent hawking redneckabilia at the flea market. The house painter who bleeds red, politically-speaking, that is. The stories about the time a wild hog killed a dog. Maybe they're clinging to the past, or maybe they're hoping for some kind of other future. They're wary-eyed and weary of the current United States. If you could let them secede, they probably would. Meanwhile, technology is racing past them, transforming everyone else into someone else. I'm not sure if they're close-minded or just afraid.  

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