
15 Likes, 0 Comments - Susannah Breslin (@susannahbreslin) on Instagram: "51"

I realized looking back over 2019’s photos that I hadn’t taken a lot of selfies, so one of my goals in 2020 is to take more of those. I mostly post them on Instagram, and they don’t always include my head.

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Be Your Puppy

0 Likes, 0 Comments - Susannah Breslin (@susannahbreslin) on Instagram: "Be your puppy 🐶"

Had a great time walking around West Hollywood today and visiting a very cool store that I’ll be writing about soon. This dog training hood retails for $425. Perfect for the canine-minded fetishist in your life.

Like what I do? Support my work! Buy my digital short story: THE TUMOR.

Letter From Dubai

Image via Lowe’s

Image via Lowe’s

Hi Susannah

At the onset thank you for writing the below blog.  

Let me give you a quick background of why I am writing to you - I am good at sales, having demonstrated over achievements of targets YoY, however my growth within my company has been limited. And when talking to one of my friend yesterday he had an interesting remark to make - Those who are good at selling to others are usually bad at selling themselves, and they do not realize it. 

That triggered my thinking, and I started reading, and first article I came across was your blog that left me stunned. 

Your #Tip1 and #Tip2 both were eye openers for me.

I do not follow either as prescribed in your blog.

This blew me away, and I was compelled to reach to you.

Thank you again ! I am based in Dubai. If you ever plan to visit Dubai , do let me know.

It will be an honor to meet you and host you in Dubai.

Your fan !

Like what I do? Support my work! Buy my digital short story: THE TUMOR.